
Senin, 03 September 2012

Kriteria-kriteria Khusus Perlombaan

Kriteria Khusus Lomba Baca Puisi :

1.      Peserta adalah perwakilan kelas masing-masing .
2.      Perserta harus memilih 1 puisi dari 4 puisi yang ditentukan untuk dibacakan pada saat lomba .
3.      Pada saat lomba peserta lomba harus :
*      Datang 20 menit sebelum lomba dimulai
*      Melakukan registrasi ulang di meja registrasi
*       Membawa nomor peserta
*      Hadir pada saat pemanggilan pertama , dan bila tidak hadir pada saat pemanggilan pertama , maka nama peserta bersangkutan  akan dipanggil kembali setelah penampilan peserta terakhir sebanyak 1 kali .
( peserta yang tidak hadir pada panggilan kedua dianggap gugur )
*      Tidak berkomunikasi dengan juri , dalam bentuk apapun .

Puisi-Puisi Untuk Untuk Lomba Baca Puisi Bahasa Inggris :
( Pilih 1 )

You , Mom

You taught me too hold
Tears pouring rain
To always be patient in the trial
Prostration and kneeling on the Lord...

You couplet formet by Prayer
Take care of the crime
Sweep me away by the dust
That will make me fall....

You are an inspiration in life
Leads to sweep the obstacles
With that build confidence
Patience and care to create....

You are a hero throughout the ages
Sweeat makes science
Crying makes light guide
Dusk making a new spirit ...

You set the clouds
Will not disappear by the moon
Your love is eternal
Until later i had a dream in a grave ...

Where you stand
Place last steps
Share them all miss the place
And place to complain ...

You ( the mother ) there is no indelible
By the swift exposure to sea
By the anger of the earth ground
My heart and will always be an integrial

Mother’s Love

Her love is like
an island in life’s ocean,
fast and wide
A peaceful, quiet shelter
From the wind, the rain, the tide.
‘This bound on the north by Hope,
By patience on the west,
By tender Counsel on the South
And on the East by Rest,
Above it like a beacon light
Shine Faith, and Truth, and Prayer;
And tho’ the changing scenes of life
I find a heaven there

By Mych Ryan

It’s always hurt to see you cry
To see tears falling like rain from the sky
And there’s no answer for why
I never question myself, I never try

It’s always hurt to know there’s cothing I can do
And fact that I don’t even know what to do
It’s so sad but so true
Feels like the color blue

Someday we’ll see we were wrong
Ang then we realize the day has done
Time won’t turn back, it’s no use to regret
It’s not easy to say good bye, but someway we have to try

Sometimes it’s hurt to remember
About the days we had togerther
And a piece of heart inside me
Carved with your smile, can you see...

It was the day when I used to care
Think about you, anytime, anywhere
The day when I used to drive you home
When the night was so cold and you were alone

That’s just history, saved properly in my memory
Now we are so far and so different , and yet to silent...
No voice when you say, just few words on my display
That’s OK. Thanks anyway...
I’m sad about the problem you had
But don’t worry my friend
I’ll be the man when you look behind...

By Aslam Yusuf

I runaway from my life
Hope that i can find the paradise
But i think it so hard
I am going to the hell

Maybe i take awrong way
But no way back to start again
My distination still so far
And too fast if i think to going home

I  just wanna do
Work for life not life for work
just wanna find the new place
Where can i life
All i wanna want
Where i can get the better life
For anything that i do
I wanna make it true

Sometime i feel so alone
And no one here to tell
I am finally now belive the feel
Cause it so hard
Cause it’s so far

This is my time to change my word from the pain

Kriteria Khusus Lomba Catur :
1.      Peserta merupakan perwakilan jurusan
2.      Biaya pendaftaran Rp.10.000,_ per orang .
3.      Membawa papam catur sendiri ( kalau ada )
4.      Peraturan permainan akan diberikan pada saat lomba .